
There will be a total of 4 main workshops organized during the whole duration of the project. In December 2022, Sabancı University hosted the first workshop under the title of “Workshop on Applied Cryptography – Bringing Cryptography into Life” with the attendance of two main beneficiaries (KUL & RUB).

There will be another 3 workshops distributed over the whole duration of the project. Their timings alongside their titles and programs will be shared publicly through the official enCRYPTON’s website.

The First Workshop of the enCRYPTON Project: Bringing Cryptography

Two beneficiaries of the project visited Sabancı university to deliver a workshop under the title of “Workshop on Applied Cryptography – Bringing Cryptography into Life”.
Prof. Dr. Ingrid Verbauwhede delivered a talk about “Hardware: An essential partner to cryptography” while Dr. Amir Moradi’s talk was titled “Simply Secure: Tools for automated generation and evaluation of protected hardware”.

The Second Workshop of the enCRYPTON Project: Hardware Acceleration of Homomorphic Encryption

Prof. Dr. Ingrid Verbauwhede: “Hardware acceleration for COED
Prof. Dr. Erkay Savaş: “Accelerating Homomorphic Encryption and Its Applications on GPU
This is a workshop within a seminar jointly orgainzed by  Nokia Bell Labsimec-DistriNet and COSIC on security, privacy & verifiable computing for contemporary distributed systems